Haeckels - Local Brands.

I've always liked some kind of scent producing object in my home, it might have been candles mostly at one point in my life but now however I find I am reaching more and more for Incense, and I've fallen in love with this brand! Haeckels, this brand is based not far away from me in the seaside town of margate, famous for its sandy beaches and Dreamland Themepark.

Anyway, the whole point of this fab brand is its all NATURAL! which is fab in a world where we use and consume so many processed and harmful products. They create everything from Skincare - Home Fragrance. Go check them out. 

One thing that I've made an effort to do this year as much as I possibly can is support Local creatives, and companies, it can be hard to be a small business so for me I wanted to do what I can to support local businesses (big or small).

Ebony Came to Stay.

A couple of weeks ago my mum went away for a couple of days and we had this little ray of sunshine come and stay! I thought id share a couple of photos of us having a bit of fun in the field opposite where we live.

We bought her a little frisbee and threw it as hard as we could and watched her run after this thing like there was no tomorrow... this girl! Although she's getting on a bit in doggy years she's still up for a good run about and a good game of catch. 

Sunday 29 October 2017

Another fab walk, a friend of ours organised a walk with a few of our mutual friends in a woodland near Canterbury, Kent. We went to blean nature reserve and had a nice Autumnal walk through the woods, played on the rope swings with the kids and climbed all over some fallen trees.

As much as I wanted a go on the rope swing I didn't risk it, I am that clumsy friend that always falls off things, like kids climbing frames and rope swings so thought I wouldn't risk it this weekend haha (there's only so many times you can fall off of things without breaking something). 

Theres that beautiful feeling in the air that I love about this time of year, that fresh clean feeling in the air that lets us all know that winters nearly here... In fact today is the last day of October which for me always feels like the end of autumn (I know its not - but it always feels that way to me)

Hope you all had a fab October - here's to November and to lots more adventures...

Feeling Horse

Last week we went on a walk with a couple of our friends and their kiddos, we went to one of my fave places. The weather was quite wet and windy we had the tail end of a storm here - I say the tail end because it really wasn't very bad where we were in Kent) But when we were on the walk we hardly had any rain at all which is fab! The best kind of walk is one with a few puddles.

I've passed these horses in this field for a few years now and they're quiet shy creatures, they never really come over unless there is a chance for food. We had two little ones with us and they had some bread sticks to nibble on, and these horses wanted those bread sticks! So we got to pet these lovely horses and the kids loved it, well... lets be honest so did we. 

I hope you've been having a good week, heres a little peak into our weekend.

These shoes tho...

 The other day, hubby and myself popped into Primark whilst running some errands. I'd seen a jacket on their site and loved it (ironically they didn't have it) but as always in Primark you can't help but buy something... Its difficult to not come out with a couple of goodies.

So I was having a little look around and I found these, now they were reduced so I presume they are last season but you know what... I don't care they're so beaut!!! All the heart eyes for these beauties. 
At £6 I don't think you can beat that price and that colour, they are a gorgeous pink velvet.... I flipping love them! They still had lots of pairs left so If you fancy these beauties go head to Primark and pick some up.

Autumn Walks (Betteshanger)


Sunday 8th October... Early afternoon.

Luke and I love a good walk, for as long as we've known each other walks have always been a vital part of life, weather walking for practical reasons (to get the train or into town). Or for fun... I know walking isn't for most people but for us it sorts everything out, If you're feeling a bit pants a good walk will sort you out. 

My favourite time of year is Autumn by far, Winter is definitely up there too. One of the things that makes this time of year so special are the many walks that our family do this time of year, Its a very nostalgic feeling for me going for a walk.

We went to the area of Northbourne which is near where I grew up and used to spend alot of time here, my Auntie and Uncle had their Wedding reception in the village hall here. I feel such a sense of peace when I'm in this area. The leaves were changing colour, conkers had fallen from the trees, acorns and pine cones were everywhere. It was perfect.

We stopped of as we neared the car and had a cup of coffee, Luke brewed up on his little Coleman stove we both agree that this stove was one of the best things we've ever bought. As he brewed up I had a little explore and found the conker trees, and this view across the fields was beautiful. The different shades of yellow, green and orange always make me appreciate how beautiful the trees really are.

Hope you all had a fab weekend and Monday was good to you! Have a good rest of the week. See you soon.

Autumn Feels

Ramsgate, UK
Okay so I know that I am getting a bit ahead of myself here and I know were still in Summer, but that good ol' British Summer that we love so much is basically (dare I say it)... Autumn, and in my opinion extra autumn is always a good thing! There are a few things that really bring on that Autumn feeling, and I must admit I love this about late Summer. The plants are in that last burst of colour and variety before our gardens wind down into those orange and brown hues that us Autumn lovers love so much.

Every other Tuesday I spend the afternoon and evening with my mum, we do a little bit of work and then spend the evening together. I love this not only because I get to see my fam but also I normally get to spend time in the place I grew up (I'm nothing if not sentimental)
This week I realised it was starting to feel like we were getting our beloved autumn, mums apple trees are bursting with fruit the plants are in flower and gearing themselves for Autumn.  

I love the way that the seasons change and they bring forth new life and a change that is always needed and always at the right time, however as you can tell the change from Summer into Autumn is by far my favourite. I love sitting in the garden and soaking in those evenings - the light. The beauty of the plants that are all around me and the way my mums cat (Angus) and dog (Ebony) play in the warm evening glow.

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